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2017 AIV 레지던스 3번째 공간공유프로그램 결과보고전

전시 제목 (Title) : POW! 참여 작가 (Artist) : Yuzuru Maeda, Kai Lam 전시 일정 (Date) : 2017.09.23 (SAT) ~ 09.30(SAT) 관람 시간 (Time) : AM 11 ~ PM 7 매주 월요일은 휴관입니다. Closed every Monday

Opening Performance !! 2017. 09. 23 (SAT) PM 03 ~ 09

Ppong Ppong Power PARTY !! 2017. 09. 28 (THU) PM 7 Yuzuru Maeda & Kai Lam & Jangsoo Kim In Space PPONG

ZENTAI Walk !! 2017. 09. 30 (SAT) PM 5 > 6 PM Yuzuru Maeda & Citizen In Deain Art Market > Art Street > Asian Culture Complex

Yuzuru Maeda and Kai Lam are contemporary artists working in Singapore. They have been active in various fields such as performance, music, experimental music, painting and drawing, installation of object and sculpture, and video. In this performance and exhibition, the two artists cross the different positions of 'censorship'. Both artists have lived and worked in Singapore, and have experienced very tight control over the lives of the entire community in one city, Singapore. The problem is triggered by the fact that it is difficult for artists to produce works and perform art activities without considering censorship. However, when we consider the censorship and the fundamental problems that arise from it, we pay attention to any ambiguity and ambivalence that exists here. In this exhibition <PoW!>, Two individual artists take different positions on issues and issues arising from censorship.

유주루 마에다와 카이람은 싱가포르를 중심으로 활동하고 있는 현대 미술 작가입니다. 퍼포먼스, 음악, 실험음악, 페인팅과 드로잉, 오브제와 조각 설치, 비디오 등 다양한 분야에서 활동해왔으며, 주로 퍼포먼스와 설치를 병행하고 있습니다. 이번 전시 <POW!>에서 두 명의 아티스트는 검열로 인해 발생하는 문제와 이슈들에 대해서 다른 입장을 취해봅니다.

© 2016 을 통해 제작된 본 홈페이지에 대한 모든 권리는  project B: 에 귀속됩니다.

뽕뽕브릿지; 광주광역시 서구 월산로 268번길 14-36(양동)

14-36, Wolsan-ro 268beon-gil, Seo-gu, Gwangju, 61920, Rep. of KOREA

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